
Ankle Fractures

Podiatry, Foot & Ankle Surgeon & Board Certified in Podiatry Medicine located in Hamilton, NJ

Ankle Fractures

About Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures range from cracks in the bones to multiple breaks and serious ligament damage. If you suffer an ankle fracture, immediately contact Sameep Chandrani, DPM, at Mercer Foot & Ankle Center. He help you recover from an Ankle Fracture using advanced technology and treatments, including minimally invasive surgery when needed. Call the office in Mercer , New Jersey, for prompt ankle fracture care or schedule a consultation using the online booking feature today.

Ankle Fractures Q&A

What are Ankle Fractures?

Ankle Fractures are bone breaks in your ankle. They may affect the tibia (shin bone), fibula (the thin outward-facing lower leg bone), or the talus bone in your heel that joins your leg and foot.

An Ankle Fracture typically causes moderate to severe pain and difficulty bearing weight on the affected leg. You may have significant ankle and/or foot swelling and bruising.

Ankle Fractures cause similar symptoms to sprains, which occur when ligaments overstretch or tear. This can sometimes happen at the same time as a fracture. Both injuries can be painful and disabling, and as they affect the same area, it’s hard to tell the difference without visiting Mercer Foot & Ankle Center.

Your podiatrist examines your ankle and orders onsite diagnostic imaging procedures, such as X-rays, to determine if you’re dealing with a sprain, fracture, or both.

What Causes Ankle Fractures?

Accidents when playing sports or at work are common causes of ankle fractures. You can also fracture the bones by stepping in a hole or severely twisting the ankle. Generally, accidents causing ankle fractures happen suddenly and often when you least expect them.

After an Ankle Fracture heals, your podiatrist can help you avoid future injuries with ankle strengthening exercises and by advising you on better safety practices.

How Are Ankle Fractures treated?

If you sustain a fracture or sprain, immediately begin first aid using the RICE protocol:

  • Rest – keep your weight off the ankle
  • Ice packs at intervals to reduce swelling
  • Compression with an elastic bandage
  • Elevation to raise your ankle higher than your heart

Contact Mercer Foot & Ankle Center as soon as possible. The experienced podiatrists offer emergency appointments for patients with Ankle Fractures and other traumas, diagnosing the injury and beginning treatment immediately.

This may include fracture reduction, where your podiatrist realigns the bones so they heal properly. They may prescribe a walking boot or crutches to immobilize your ankle while it heals. Oral anti-inflammatory medicine reduces pain and swelling.

If your fracture is severe, you have multiple breaks, or a fracture doesn’t heal after conservative treatment, you may require surgery. Your podiatrist stabilizes your ankle bones and aligns them using bio-compatible metal parts.

Call Mercer Foot & Ankle Center immediately if you suspect you have an Ankle Fracture. You can also request an appointment online