Corns and calluses often develop when there’s persistent pressure on part of your foot. If you have a troublesome corn or callus, visit Sameep Chandrani, DPM, at Mercer Foot & Ankle Center, They quickly and safely remove the thickened skin forming your callus or corn and help you prevent new ones from developing. Call Mercer Foot & Ankle Center to book a consultation or request one online today.
What are Corns and Calluses?
Corns and Calluses are thick, hard, dead skin layers on your feet.
Calluses usually appear on the soles, balls, or sides of your feet. They’re generally bigger than corns and don’t normally hurt, but they can be unattractive and uncomfortable.
Corns are round growths with a hard core that typically appear on the tops of your toes or other non-weight-bearing areas. They may also grow between your toes. Occasionally, corns develop on the balls or soles of your feet, which can be quite painful. Hard corns are dry and rigid, while soft corns are flexible.
People sometimes confuse corns and calluses with other foot problems. For example, calluses may resemble plantar warts.
Why do I have Corns and Calluses?
A leading cause of Corns and Calluses is ill-fitting shoes or footwear that doesn’t distribute your weight properly, creating pressure points. Shoes that constantly rub or press on the tops of the toes frequently cause Corns and Calluses.
Poor foot mechanics and not wearing socks increase your risk of developing Corns and Calluses. Sometimes, other foot problems make you more likely to get them.
For example, a hammertoe, where the toe becomes bent into a claw-like position, can cause a callus because of constant contact with your shoe. Bone spurs and bunions can also contribute to Corn or Callus formation.
Can I remove Corns and Calluses?