

Podiatry, Foot & Ankle Surgeon & Board Certified in Podiatry Medicine located in Hamilton, NJ


About Bunions

A bunion is a common condition that affects the bone and joint of your big toe. Over time, untreated bunions can cause crippling foot pain and limit your movement. If you suffer from a painful bunion, Sameep Chandrani, DPM, AACFAS, and the team at Mercer Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, in Hamilton, New Jersey, offer a wide range of safe and effective treatments. To speak with the team at Mercer Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, about restoring your foot health, call the office or request one online today. 

Bunions Q&A

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a type of progressive foot deformity that forms on the joint of your big toe. Bunions result from changes to the alignment of the bones in your feet.

During its early stages, the condition causes your big toe to angle in toward your other toes instead of pointing straight ahead. As the deformity worsens, a small bump (bunion) forms on the side of the toe.

Bunions can also form on your little toes and are called bunionettes.

The natural structure and mechanics of your foot can leave you more prone to developing bunions. Problems like foot injuries and wearing high-heel or ill-fitting shoes can also increase your risk of developing bunions.

Because bunions are a progressive condition, symptoms will worsen as the toe shifts out of alignment.

What are the symptoms of a bunion?

Bunion symptoms include:

  • Swelling and/or redness around the big toe
  • Soreness
  • A bump on the base of the big toe
  • Pain or a burning sensation
  • Numbness

As the condition gets worse, a bunion can make it difficult for you to move your big toe. Symptoms are usually noticeable when you’re wearing high heels or shoes that crowd your toes. Long periods of standing or walking can also cause your symptoms to get worse.

However, some people with bunions never experience painful symptoms.

If you experience ongoing foot pain or have difficulty finding shoes that fit properly because of your bunion, the team at Mercer Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, can find the right treatment for you.

How are bunions treated?

Your bunions won’t just go away without treatment. How your bunions are treated will depend on the severity of your deformity and the intensity of your symptoms. 

Depending on your needs, your podiatrist can combine a number of conservative treatments to treat your bunion effectively. Treatments include:

  • Changes in footwear
  • Orthotics
  • Padding
  • Injections
  • Over-the-counter pain medications

The goal of bunion treatment is to relieve pain, restore mobility, and minimize damage to the big toe joint. 

If your bunion causes you severe pain or interferes with your daily routine, the team also offers surgery. They use the latest technologies to ensure successful outcomes for each patient.

To find out which bunion treatment is right for you, call Mercer Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, or request an appointment online today.